In Dual-Cooperative Training (DCT) you spend part of your time studying at school and the other part working at a company. Want to know how this benefits you? Discover all advantages here.
All information about DCT courses, careers and benefits in one place. Find a career path that suits you and offers the best opportunities for the future.

Dual-Cooperative Training (DCT)

Dual-Cooperative Training (DCT) is a form of education that combines school-based learning with on-the-job training. Students spend part of their time studying at a TVET institution and the other part working at a company. This provides them with the technical skills, theoretical knowledge and work attitudes that businesses currently need. As a result, they have better career opportunities in an increasingly competitive job market.

DCT Study & Career Guide

The DCT Study & Career Guide is here to help students choose a career path that suits them and provides the best opportunities for the future. We offer a range of information about the different courses, like curriculum, career opportunities and student testimonials. A separate page introduces some of the companies that employ DCT students. The latest news, job fairs and other events related to DCT can be found in the news & activities section.

Learn more about the DCT Courses below or discover what the benefits are for you!

Dual-Cooperative Training (DCT)

Dual-Cooperative Training (DCT) is a form of education that combines school-based learning with on-the-job training. Students spend part of their time studying at a TVET institution and the other part working at a company. This provides them with the technical skills, theoretical knowledge and work attitudes that businesses currently need. As a result, they have better career opportunities in an increasingly competitive job market.

DCT Study & Career Guide

The DCT Study & Career Guide is here to help students choose a career path that suits them and provides the best opportunities for the future. We offer a range of information about the different courses, like curriculum, career opportunities and student testimonials. A separate page introduces some of the companies that employ DCT students. The latest news, job fairs and other events related to DCT can be found in the news & activities section.

Learn more about the DCT Courses below or discover what the benefits are for you!

DCT Courses


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Of students satisfied
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Of graduates finds job within 6 months
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Higher average salary than min. wage
0 +
Partner companies until 2020

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