Advocacy & Public-Private Dialogue
Interest representation is core business of LNCCI. Through advocacy and dialogue, LNCCI shares essential practitioner information and perspectives with the government on TVET in general and especially on DCT operating environment. The government needs this input to understand the effects of their policy choices and to create incentives for higher levels of private sector participation.
In this regard, LNCCI offers the following services:
- Development of a DCT agenda (which is the bottom-line of private sector involvement in DCT/TVET as a recommendation catalogue to government) and regular formalized exchange with government to improve the enabling DCT environment.
- Facilitation of incentives for DCT participating companies.
- Private sector representation on public entities (such as National Training Council, Trade and Sector Working Groups, boards of TVET institutions)
“I believe that DCT is a worthwhile endeavor and it provides a great opportunity for students to find a career path and gain working experience. The Luang Prabang View Hotel has taken on a good number of students over the years, since I have worked with DCT courses from the beginning. We will continue to do so since those who came to train at our hotel have either stayed or moved on to a new beginning. Students are the future in the Hospitality industry. Keep them coming, the future of Laos is in their hands!”